Smart Hygiene Solutions



SMART cleaning pioneered by Guardforce Macau

In developing a smart city, smart waste management is as important as smart security, smart traffic or smart energy. Using big data analyses to enhance operations and monitoring of waste disposal can create long-term benefits for Macau’s public and private facilities and the environment.

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1. Smart Waste Bin

The comprehensive solution for waste management, presented by Guardforce Macau, facilitates the works of waste collectors by gauging rubbish bin conditions at large facilities real-time, using industry-leading cloud-based software with the latest IoT smart sensor and smart waste bin technology. With the solution, waste management companies can efficiently, in an environmentally friendly way, deal with overflowing bins and collect waste only when it’s not necessary. No more bad hygiene or lack of information for facilitating waste disposal! Collection trucks can make fewer trips, which contributes to reducing roadside emissions.

Ultrasonic  Sensor to Detect Fill-up Level

Embedded inside the smart bin, the smart sensor detects a bin’s fill-level and then send data to the cloud-based platform for monitoring and data analytics.    

Trash Compactor With Solar-Powered

The solar-powered trash compactor integrated in the bin will activate and compact waste when the content of a bin reaches a pre-set level. This means a bin can hold up to 8 times more waste, and waste collection frequency can be reduced by up to 80%.

Safety Detection

An intelligent safety sensor in each bin ensures safety for users at all times. Waste compaction will stop the instant a human hand is detected. If a bin’s content catches fire, the in-bin fire detection sensor will immediately issue an alert to the dashboard, while automatically launching the fire extinguishing function.

Fleet Management Platform

Through a single dashboard, waste management teams can monitor smart bins in various locations, and map collection route and schedule based on real-time data accordingly. It means no wasted trip to remote sites to empty relatively unfilled bins. As well as optimising operational efficiency, it also means fewer collection trucks on the road.

Where to deploy Guardforce smart waste bins

It is smart waste management to place Guardforce Macau smart bins in heavily used indoor and outdoor facilities in Macau, such as casinos, theme parks, city centres, campuses, hospitals, Skytrain LTR stations, airport, bus terminals, offices buildings, schools or convention centres.

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2. Auto-sorting Recycle Bin

Making the sorting process convenient will help to encourage people to take part in recycling. The Auto-sorting Recycle Bin is a complete solution for managing the entire recycling process, from recognizing and sorting waste, to compressing bin content, monitoring fill level and optimizing waste collection logistics. The Auto-sorting Recycle Bin is equipped with the following features:

Smart waste recognition

Powered by AI and image processing, the bin can instantly recognize an inserted item and autonomously place the item in the correct containers for plastic, paper, metal or glass items. Users do not need to pre-sort recycled items, and the bin can achieve 92% of sorting precision.

Hands-free operation for better hygiene

Hands-free operation is enabled as the bin’s flap opens automatically when it senses a user is nearby

Waste management optimization

The IoT sensor monitoring the fill level will activate the bin’s compactor when the content reaches the pre-set level, so that the bin’s capacity can be expanded. Real-time data of each bin is monitored on the cloud platform to execute analytics that help to optimize waste collection and generate different types of reports.

Easy management with app

The bin’s app shows the fill level and the status of the device in real time. Notification will be sent to the facility management automatically when the bin is full.

Ideal for any indoor environment

Place the bin at railway stations, offices, commercial buildings, residential buildings, schools and other public facilities to encourage the public to recycle for sustainability.


  • Auto opening of flap for hands-free operation
  • AI-based waste recognition
  • Automatic sorting
  • Plastic and paper compression
  • Fill-level control
  • Data processing on cloud

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3. Food-waste Collection Bin

food waste collection bin - Guardforce MacauRecycling kitchen waste is traditionally an unsavory task, but it’s a necessary daily routine for every restaurant and household that cooks. Why not take advantage of the tech-powered Food-waste Collection Bin to make kitchen waste disposal clean, easy and efficient? The Food-waste Collection Bin boasts the following features:

User identification and waste weighing

The weight of each disposed lot can be automatically recorded to save time and effort for tracking the disposed amount for individuals. Users can be identified by a user card or QR code.

IoT sensor for fill-level detection

The collection bin is equipped with an IoT sensor to monitor the fill level, and it is connected to a cloud management platform showing useful real-time data of every connected collection bin, so that waste collection and management can be managed in a centralized dashboard.

Self-deodorization and sterilization

If not treated properly, kitchen waste could emit odious smell that affect the environment and the people using a facility. The Food-waste Collection Bin can deodorize and sterilize itself regularly so that the stored waste will not breed bacteria and germs that cause bad smells.

Hygienic operation

No need to use hands to open the disposal slot of the bin, as the bin can be opened by stepping on a control peddle or when a user card is inserted. The slot closes automatically when disposal is complete.

Ideal for locations with catering services

The Food-waste Collection Bin has a capacity to process a high volume of kitchen waste generated at restaurants, residential buildings, commercial buildings, schools or other facilities that offer catering services.


  • Hygienic operation – open bin by stepping on peddle or with card
  • Auto data recording to save handling time and efforts
  • Convenient kitchen waste disposal to encourage participation by the entire community
  • Easy management with fill-level detection and notification for clearing bin

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More service: Facial Recognition | Smart Cleaning Solution | Infection Control Integrated Solution

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