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Top 9 Most Common Uses For AI Applications

At this year’s Macau Beyond Expo, Asia’s largest annual expo for tech trends, Macau’s Chief Executive Ho Iat-seng stressed that technology will be the driving force in the city’s evolution from gambling spot to tech innovation hub. His message is clear, that the city must diversify its economy in order to achieve sustainable growth and technology, especially AI, will be the key. Advances in the self-learning capacity of AI now makes it more reliable and accurate than humans in many situations, and its prevalence in our daily lives is being seen more and more, sometimes without us even knowing. In this blog, we will take a closer look at the top 9 most common uses for AI applications around us now.

AI in E-commerce

AI is an extremely useful tool in E-commerce as it can offer personalised recommendations to customers. These can be based on a customer’s browsing history, preferences and interests, or what other customers with similar tastes have purchased. Virtual shopping assistants and chatbots can be used to improve the user experience, and as natural language processing develops, will one day be able to offer real-time engagement with customers.

AI in Education

Another great application for AI is in education. There are many tasks which AI is proving to be more accurate and efficient than humans, such as grading papers, managing course enrolments and monitoring students’ progress to provide personalised learning recommendations. All this helps to free up teachers’ time so they can concentrate more on their students.

AI in Marketing & Social Media

As with AI in E-commerce, AI is also a powerful tool for marketing and social media. All social media sites such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter already employ some type of AI to offer recommendations and determine what content would be of most interest to each user. It is also used to spot and remove undesirable content and fake reviews, and to prevent fraudulent accounts from being set up.

In marketing, AI allows companies to deliver targeted ads to their customers and potential customers with the use of behavioural analysis and pattern recognition.

AI in Robotics

The use of AI in robotics is also becoming more prevalent. Take for instance Guardforce Macau’s Smart VirusGuard autonomous disinfection robot seen in action below. It uses AI-driven autopilot to move around buildings such as hospitals and offices to spray a safe but powerful disinfectant and can even auto-pilot into elevators and avoid any obstacles in its path.

AI in Gaming

AI in gaming has been evolving for quite some time. It is used to create more lifelike NPC (non-player characters) to improve the gaming experience for users.

AI in Security

In security, AI is becoming vital tool to allow more secure access methods, such as with facial recognition, and to combat more and more complex threats in both the cyber world and real world. AI-powered video analytics, for instance, can be used to automatically detect objects, faces and licence plates and in a host of other ways such as people counting, dwell and loitering, and queue management. 

AI in Healthcare

AI is being used in healthcare to offer new ways to diagnose, treat, or prevent diseases. Currently, the primary use of health-related AI applications is to analyze the complex relationship between clinical data and patient outcomes to provide quicker and more accurate diagnoses going forward, as well as to improve and tailor treatments. AI achieves this through machine learning and deep learning.

AI in Transportation & Automobiles

AI is becoming increasingly important in the area of transportation and automobiles. Manufacturers rely on AI to make their vehicles safer for drivers by automatically detecting objects to avoid accidents, not to mention in the development of self-driving vehicles.

On the road, AI is now being implemented for smart traffic management to reduce congestion and provide more accurate and useful information to drivers in real-time, such as the location of parking spots, etc. And AI-powered route planning is being used by businesses, particularly logistics companies, to create more efficient transport networks by optimizing supply routes.

Learn more about Guardforce Macau’s AI-powered solutions

Guardforce Macau has been a leading innovator in security and other technologies since 1990. It offers a range of AI-powered solutions such autonomous disinfection robots, powerful video analytics and smart bins. To learn more, click here.

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