Guardforce Post

Guardforce Macau maintained security for the 39th Macau International Marathon

The 2020 Galaxy Entertainment Macao International Marathon, co-organised by the Sports Bureau of the Macao SAR government and the General Association of Athletics of Macau, was held on 6 December. Runners began the race at the Olympics Sports Centre Stadium of Taipa, ran through various roads across Macau and returned to the stadium’s finish line. This year’s event attracted 12,000 runners. Guardforce Macau handpicked 110 guards to provide professional security services for the event. They maintained order in the stadium and around the tracks to keep the athletes safe.

The 39th Macau International Marathon completed without incidents, and Guardforce Macau was delighted to contribute to the smooth running of the annual event with our extensive experience in managing the security for large-scale events in Macau.

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