Guardforce Post

Guardforce Macau Employees Named Golden Security Officers Of The Group

Guardforce Macau Employees Named Golden Security Officers Of The Group

Guardforce Group’s parent company China Security Co. Ltd announced 2022 Outstanding Employees and Group Awards in December, handing out eight categories of awards. The award program aims to recognize remarkable performance of individual employees and subsidiaries to encourage all employees and branches to further enhance service quality.

Two Guardforce Macau employees were honored with the Golden Security Officers (Overseas) award. They are control room supervisor Jenny Chong and security officer Seva Carlo Napilot.

Jenny and Seva have been with Guardforce Macau for 7 and 19 years respectively. They are always loyal and reliable, and show a love of their professional, with consistent excellent performance. Both have won appreciation from our customers and are well-deserving of the group awards.

Guardforce Macau believes that their exceptional performance will inspire colleagues to strive for excellence to deliver services to customers at even greater professional standards.

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