Guardforce Post

Guardforce Macau AIOT Solutions Showcased at Beyond Expo 2023

Guardforce Macau will take part in Beyond Expo 2023, to be held on 10-12 May 2023 at the Venetian Macao Cotai Expo. To be exhibited on site are various AIoT solutions for waste management, hygiene management, vital signs monitoring and other AI applications.

AIoT combines artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) technologies to collect a vast amount of data generated via IoT and collected through different dimensions to store in the cloud or at the edge. Through analytics, the data are then processed by AI to achieve the digitalization and connection of everything. Guardforce Macau leverages this concept to design solutions tailored for different fields.

Guardforce’s waste management and recycling solutions provide Auto-sorting Recycling Bins and Smart Bins to support waste management improvement. They contribute to environmental protection efforts as well as enhance the efficiency of waste management.

The Smart Hygiene Management Solution combines different sensors to detect the real-time condition of a toilet. It enables a clean-on-demand approach where cleaners can be deployed only when required. It helps to alleviate manpower pressure while ensuring a pleasant user experience with clean and hygienic toilets at all times.

The Vital Signs Monitoring Solution uses vital signs sensor and Vitals Smart Bed Monitoring System to keep an eye on a patient’s vital signs. When anomalies are detected, the system sends an alert to the care staff to give life-saving assistance.

AI solutions have powerful features for medical analytics, facial expression recognition, facial recognition, global identity documents recognition and disposed objects detection. They can be applied in different fields, with ongoing optimization using big data to enhance efficiency and reduce inaccuracies.

Visit us at booths DD30 & 32 during Beyond Expo to discuss with our team how to apply AIoT solutions to enable smart living and achieve ESG goals contributing to sustainability.

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