Guardforce Post

Great Success at Beyond Expo for Guardforce Macau

Byeond Expo 2023 | Guardforce MacauBeyond Expo 2023, held over three days at the Venetian Macao Convention and Exhibition Centre, was a resounding success. Guardforce Macau was delighted to have taken part and had fruitful exchanges with various counterparts on how innovative technology will impact various fields immediately and in the future. This year’s Expo focused on life sciences, sustainability and consumer technology.

At the Expo, Guardforce Macau showcased various AIoT solutions for waste management, hygiene management, vital signs monitoring and other AI applications. We demonstrated how to apply technology in different aspects of living, enable smart living, use big data to optimize management and achieve ESG goals for the sustainable development of our community.

Guardforce’s Smart Waste Management Solution uses sensors to gauge the real-time condition of individual smart bins and recycling bins, and plan the best waste collection routes based on needs of the fill-level. The solution can help to solve problems such as overfilled bins, inefficient emptying rates, high emissions, hygiene issues and the lack of waste management data.

The Smart Cleaning Solution’s cloud platform gives facility management the tool to understand a toilet’s user number, air quality, consumables consumption analytics, toilet cubicle occupancy rate and queuing situation. The management can send cleaners in only when needed to reduce manpower demand and wastage.

Vital Signs Monitoring and Vitals Smart Bed Monitoring System are safe non-wearable monitoring solutions that can issue instant alerts when anomalies are detected to ensure timely help for people who require assistance.

Guardforce Macau is committed to ESG ethos to contribute to the sustainable development of the society. We will continue to innovate and use technology to help the community solve problems of daily living to improve quality of life and safety.

Vital sign Sensor at Beyond Expo 2023 | Guardforce Macau Beyond Expo 2023 Booth | Guardforce Macau Customer Visit Beyond Expo | Guardforce Macau

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